Nuvaral Positive Actions

1- The elitization of information is disrespect to residents of the periphery. Access to information is essential for democracy. In Rio de Janeiro, when mainstream media portrays peripheries, it's usually to show negative events. That's why neighbourhood newspapers are growing and attracting more readers. However, those newspapers have limited reach and little visibility towards positive projects and actions. It's common for citizens not to know about projects taking place around them because of the lack of communication.

2- The Positive Actions Nuvaral project aims to create a democratic space for information that shows appreciation to good deeds in peripheral areas of Rio de Janeiro. Through an online interactive magazine, we'll cover and analyse movements that are ignored or distorted by mainstream media. Among the topics approached by the magazine: minorities' rights, cooperativism, sustainability, ecology, artivism (art and social activism), art therapy and cultural events. Each edition of the magazine will focus on a theme, depending on the demands of the moment. The members of the magazine will hold open to the public itinerant meetings for discussions about the content, seeking producers on site. The content can also be suggested at the website or news stories can be sent to the open stage section. Readers can also collaborate through the questionnaire:

3- The acknowledgement of producers and the media visibility facilitates raising funds and makes possible the permanence of community projects. The publicizing of positive actions also expands access to the projects and allows the communication with partners. As they participate in initiatives in their surroundings, individuals are inspired, they expand their feeling of belonging to the city, making them participate more actively and often reproduce new positive actions.

Ynaê Cortez, artivist with a degree in Art History from UFRJ. A teacher in the political art and social responsibility course. I'm interested in artistic occupations, alternative scenes and experimental cinema.

Tereza Lumo, trained in photography by Oi Kabum!, interested in alternative audiovisual projects made by young people and in the different artistic events around the city.

Monique Araújo, Visual Arts student at UERJ, trained in Motion Design by Oi Kabum! Passionate about the ability to animate the world through minimalism. She has the goal of sharing ideas, information, events and smiles.

Weyni Rodrigues, trained in Design by Oi kabum! Rio. Industrial design student at UFF. I'm interested in different ways of communicating.