
The spatial remnants of London’s industrial age are re-imagined for urban commoning, creating a network of socially constructed and synchronised spaces across the city. Disused docks and gasometers occur throughout London, but are currently underused and at risk of privatisation, especially through consumption-led urban regeneration. These spaces can be reclaimed and reused to provide areas of dense urban tree planting; a public space typology rarely available within cities. These urban forests will function as carbon sinks, absorbing carbon dioxide from the industrial processes of the city and converting it into oxygen for its citizens, thus safe-guarding clean air for future generations. Akin to naturally occurring woodlands, these spaces would provide access to multiple biophilic benefits including the emotional and psychological benefits of nature within the city.

Each Carbon Sync intervention has the potential to produce multiple resources for local people and beyond through collective ownership and management. Opportunities would include: spending time outdoors, engaging in meaningful exercise, learning new skills, reducing climate change, and improving air quality. These are resources to be shared and enjoyed by society, as opposed to individual gain. The social process, through which these spaces would be reclaimed and re-imagined, would start with planting to engage and instil a sense of ownership over time, whilst creating a legacy for future generations. Carbon Sync proposes a range of interventions across the city, forming a wider network of opportunities for urban commoning.

Edward Gant
Landscape architect at Arup. His conceptual idea of draining disused docks to provide greater benefit to local communities was a key factor in realising the project.

Sarah Tolley
Landscape architect at Levitt Bernstein. Sarah has played key roles in realising local community led projects at Levitt Bernstein. She contributed significantly to important discussions about community and capitalism as well as creating the conceptual map and diagrams.

Rowan Case
Business development and marketing in the built environment. Her perspective has been an asset to the project as Rowan has been able to contextualise the forward thinking nature of the concept and show its benefit to society.

Arlene Decker
Landscape architect at Turkington Martin. Her conceptual idea of using old gasometers as carbon
sinks, was a key factor in realising this project.