Women's Support Home
On the streets, in college, in public transportation and in many places, women are the victims of different kinds of attacks and disrespect. With the goal of assisting those women, who stop themselves from returning to their normal activities because they were victims of disrespect, the initiative of creating the Women's Support Home emerged to help women who are victims of violence and social vulnerability. An integrated space with the idea of carrying out basic rights activities, aiming to promote female autonomy. The action includes the services of reception and triage as the entrance to the "Support Home". At first, psychosocial counselling to help overcome the impact of the violence they suffered. Thinking about women who are mothers, we'll have a space called collective and solidary day-care, welcoming children from 0 to 7 years old, for emergency situations, in case the mother doesn't have anyone to leave their children with. Temporary accommodations, a space for temporary shelter lasting up to three days. Collaborative communication network, in order to create mechanisms that make dialogues between society and the house, creating visibility for the whole population to learn about it. Once a month, an outside intervention through partnerships with groups that are already developing actions with that goal, and also showing the actions of the women's groups in their artistic work. Hair treatment, braids, afro hairstyles, embroidery and entrepreneurship workshops, in partnership with the following projects: Consciência Dreads, Tramas do Porto and Espaço Nave, where women are taught how to tell their stories through embroidery and the rescue of their memories and ancestry. The home comes with the goal of making a difference, welcoming women who live in violent situations, encourage and show all of them they have the right to a dignified, autonomous life, with financial and psychological independence.
Tauane Luzes Abreu, was born in 1996 in Rio de Janeiro and is a resident of Baixada Fluminense. With a degree in fashion production from SENAI CETIQT-RJ and currently studying in the sewing/costumes workshop at Spectaculu - Arts and Technology school, and in the Textile development and Fashion course at IFRJ - Belford Roxo Campus.
Raissa de Castro Barros Malveira, 20, a resident of the Acari community and a carioca. A massage therapist, with a technical training in Event production, studying physiotherapy and stage setting assembly. She always works as a producer in cultural projects and volunteer work.