Commoning the Roofs
The aim of this project is to provide ideas for interventions would be transform and reintroduce urban space as common space. These space would function as solidarity cores in the city and they will be able to support the most vulnerable social groups, such as the homeless. Additionally, the interconnection of all similar projects of commoning in a metropolis would reinforce urban solidarity in a bigger scale, creating that way a safety net in times of crisis.
Additionally, the target of this project is to create (through the practice of commoning the roofs) cores of solidarity in the urban fabric. This is achieved, in the second phase of the project. An individual commoners-urban farmers create a team in their neighbourhood, in order to maximise their cooperation and mutual assistance. The creation of this neighbourhood collective could be based on the separation (between the commoners) of the planted categories of vegetables and fruits (for example short root plants, green vegetables etc.). The separation of the production according to different agricultural products would, in one hand make them feel as part of a team (fact really important for people that are for a long time socially excluded) and also would give provide them with a closer network of assistance on urban farming.
Finally, the project would achieve to transform the unused private space of the city, through the practice of commoning from the homeless, into cores of social solidarity. In the same time, a more crisis resistant urban environment is created, through a design, that places human in its central concept.
Sergios Strigklogiannis, Rhodes (Greece) based architect.
First Diploma in the University of Stuttgart in architecture department and later, Advanced Master in Human Settlements in KU Leuven (Belgium). Currently, experiencing the crisis’s social and impacts and their effect on urban space, a fact that made me strongly believe that common spaces with humanitarian use are essential for European metropolises.