Saturday Commoning Fever

The creation of the city has always been the product of political, social and legal forces. Through the establishment of regulations, our engagement with London as city dwellers is shaped by those regulations that are making the city more and more privatised.

Saturday Commoning Fever is an online platform that provides Londoners with means to common in the streets of the city. By simplifying “street rules” in a website rather than hiding in legislation, we aim to question those rules and challenge them.

The website creates a network for citizens to discover in a playful manner the rules that apply to the streets of London, to take advantage of and use common rights or to subvert them. These provocations for the manipulation of rules open up a platform for people to share their own ideas about what they want to do on the street and how to get permission for it. If the permission is not possible or the license is too expensive, suggestions are created as to how this can be challenged.

Once you choose an activity you can choose one of the open source template suggestions that use shipping palettes as their main unit with information to construct them from makeshift materials. Templates offer a very that can be built easily by two people. These activities might be a pop-up gallery, an art workshop space, infographic display, Speaker’s Corner.

BArch student in architecture, interested in activism and spent time working with an artist in the Remakery in Brixton. She enjoys building things 1:1 and engaging with communities. She visited squatting communities and wishes to become an agent to create ways by which this culture links with the city and becomes less isolated.

Currently finishing his BA in Architecture at the University of Westminster. He is a true craftsman and enjoys designing through the act of making with his hands. Ben has a strong social consciousness. He never gives one solution to a problem and always brings creativity to the table.

Architecture student and art and philosophy enthusiast. He believes in the architecture that changes the world. His red sketchbook is an extension of his body and is a lens through which he expresses and explores the world. He is full of knowledge and a very skilled conversationalist.